Google Workspace Error: 400: admin_policy-enforced

  • Updated


  • If you receive the following authorization error when connecting Google Workspace, this is because access to your account data is restricted by policies within your organization.  




To resolve this:

  • From Google Admin, navigate to Security > Access and data control > API Controls > Manage Third Party App Access:



  •  Select Configure new app and select Oauth app name or client ID



  • Our authentic Vanta app has the following three Client IDs:
    1. 690752614462-i765709385cocut1thvutg8aml4l0ss8
    2. 690752614462-g1vko8gp5d1b4c521e98gi3fufhs0lr4
    3. 690752614462-31jfcl6lc2i88eege2k464jcutq6rg8j


  • Search for and select all of the client IDs and click SELECT in the bottom right



  • Mark as trusted and click CONFIGURE on the bottom right


  • After you've completed these steps, try to link Google Workspace again in Vanta - and reach out to if you have any additional questions!