Weekly Icebreaker: Week of January 1
What is the most frustrating thing you see regularly as someone who works in security & compliance? Why does it stand out to you so much?
- Too much information on social media
- Password notebooks
- "Password" as a password
Phishing texts from the CEO!
Came here to say the same! Social engineering via SMS is over the top right now.
Social media posts designed to get people to provide their password hints that go viral.
e.g. Tell me how old you are by telling me your first concert.
Devs who think they are too smart to fall for malware and phishing attacks, and actively push back against security controls.
I worked at an apple retail store, and some people would just hand over every password they have ever had to me! Some would just give me a sheet of paper with passwords, credit card numbers, SSN. Smh.
Then I would always have a nice conversation about password safety with them.
Rampant SaaS sprawl without proper vetting processes like SOC 2/3 and T&Cs reviews.
INcluding, but not limited to application add-ons and third-party extensions.
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