"Untold" security metrics that need to be monitored

Lucien Pinto Community Founding Member Conversation starter Idea generator


By "untold", I refer to the metrics that are not "tracked" but, even if it's not officially stated, we know that patching policy (endpoints being actively updated and patched) or password policy (password expiration, password history, etc.), for example, are part of the main security metrics.

In other words, are there any plans to track from Vanta this kind of security metrics :) ? 

Thanks in advance !



  • Comment author
    Permanently deleted user Great answers Vanta Team Member

    Hey Lucien Pinto,

    We are always looking to learn more about our users' use cases around metrics and would love to invite you to join our Research Panel! Our panel is the first group of people that we contact to learn more about our users processes and get feedback on ideas and prototypes (which ultimately helps us prioritize our roadmap)! You can learn more about our research panel at Vanta.com/research. Please let me know if you have any questions.

  • Comment author
    Lucien Pinto Community Founding Member Conversation starter Idea generator

    Thanks a lot @... for the suggestion, very appreciated !


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