Benjamin Hobbs
Activity overview
Latest activity by Benjamin Hobbs
I'm glad I found these...#goals!
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Not sure when we are doing this again, but I would love to know when the best time to grant our auditor access is? We are currently prepping for a SOC 2 audit, and we know who our auditor is likely...
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Ah, I see. Thanks for that response, Shannon! I've been told that we recently opted for Vanta Collaborate...might I expect to see it in that instance?
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Settings>Company>Notifications: Is it possible to have a switch here? Or a Snooze?
Vanta Community and Team, My concern here is that during major configuration (or reconfiguration) of Controls or preparing for new Frameworks, there may be admins dutifully assigning owners to Con...
- Benjamin Hobbs
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- 1 vote
Helpful vid, thank you! Honestly, I completely missed that "Add Role" button!...aaaannnd it isn't available anymore, is that correct? (Your chatbot and my permissions appear to confirm this.)
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Shannon, Question: Can the Roles (Admin/Editor/View-Only Admin/Auditor/Sales) be assigned to Groups? This would perhaps work like Employee 'A' is assigned to Group 'A-J', and so she is assigned as ...
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Introduce Yourself: Benjamin Hobbs
Hello Vanta Community! My name is Ben Hobbs and I'm excited to be starting at Fulcrum GT and ushering them into the Vanta Age, lol. More seriously though, I'm a new Junior Cybersecurity Engineer ...
- Benjamin Hobbs
- 2 votes