FAQs: Vendors
How do I think about this section of the product? The Vendors page is where you will revie...
Collecting Vendor Documents with a Private Link
When performing a security review on a vendor, you may need specific documentation to compl...
Vendor Risk Management
For more information about plan types and capabilities, see Vanta's pricing pageĀ With the ...
Task Tracker: Vendor Risk Management
Connecting task tracker accounts If you already have your task tracker connected to your Va...
Vendors Page
Vanta's Vendor page empowers you to add, edit, and manage vendors effortlessly, all in one ...
Inherent Risk Rubric Customization
For more information about plan types and capabilities, see Vanta's pricing pageĀ The Inher...
Archiving Vendors from the Vendors Page
Users can now archive vendors on the Vendors page. Archived vendors live in a separate tab,...