Frameworks Page
The Frameworks Page lets you view the progress of all frameworks your organization has purc...
Home Page
Vanta's home page is the at-a-glance view of your security and compliance program. On the h...
Controls Page
The Controls Page within Vanta shows all of your account's controls. You can then filter, e...
The Tests Page
The Tests page is your one-stop shop for understanding the list of security items to work o...
Getting Started in Vanta
Vanta provides in-app tools to facilitate your onboarding journey and maximize your utiliza...
Documents Page
Documents related to product information, HR, sales, and marketing teams are live on the Do...
The Policies Page
You can utilize the features and corresponding tests on the Policies page to manage your po...
Risk Management
A security risk assessment identifies, assesses, and implements essential security controls...
People Page
The People Page On the People page, you'll find a table listing the personnel who have been...
Computers Page
The Computers page serves as an overview of the computers that are being monitored by your ...
Access Page
The Access page allows you to review your employees' access to the vendors you have integra...
The Vulnerabilities Page
Vanta's Vulnerability page is beneficial in providing a high-level overview of the detected...