Adding a user outside of your organization to Vanta with Admin permissions.

Any person appearing on the Vanta people can be added as a Vanta admin or editor, even users outside of an organization and are not in the company's identity provider, or human resources provider. 



  • You will need Vanta admin privileges to add or change user permissions
  • First, make sure the user is added to the Vanta People page



Add user to the people page: 

  1. Go to the Vanta People page.
  2. Click +Add a person.
  3. Enter in user's first name, last name, email, and start date.
  4. Click +Add. 


Once the user is added to the People page, the user can be added as a Vanta admin/editor: 

  1. Go to Settings > Users permissions
    Screenshot 2024-06-14 at 3.27.10 PM.png
  2. On the top righthand side of this page you'll see a  +Add user button. Please follow this order of operations: Choose user from the dropdown > Select either Admin or Editor from the dropdown > Select the Save button. Please note, you'll use With identity provider if the person is present on your People page. You would select Invite to Vanta if the user was not present on the People page in Vanta.
    Screenshot 2024-06-14 at 3.28.03 PM.png


Common Issues

Issue: The user does not appear in the dropdown menu.


Be sure the user has been added to the Vanta people page, and is showing as an active employee, or invite them using the "With email address" option on the pop-up.


Additional Resources
