Frameworks Page

  • Updated

The Frameworks Page lets you view the progress of all frameworks your organization has purchased through Vanta. This page lets you view other offerings that benefit your security and compliance program.

Utilizing the Frameworks Page 

  • From the left-hand navigation panel, select Frameworks
  • Here, you will see all of the frameworks that your organization has purchased, as well as any custom frameworks your admins have created for your company
    • You will also have access to other compliance offerings available for purchase
  • To view the details of any frameworks, click on the Framework icon

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  • The elements of each framework will give you the controls applicable to the framework and the opportunity to add additional controls.
  • The Frameworks page also allows you to start the process of adding custom frameworks.
  • Selecting More will allow you to export control, evidence, accepted evidence, custom control history, or launch a gap assessment.
  • From here, you can view controls related to the framework, overall progress to completion, and your audit timeline