Resolve 'Inventory items have active owners' Test

  • Updated

How to Fix

  • Click on the failing resource to be immediately taken to the inventory item (Note: you cannot click on custom inventory items from the test; you would need to go to the inventory page) 



  • From the inventory page, navigate to any inventory resource tabs you wish to check. Use the dropdown to filter resources by No Owner or Former employee-owners


  • If the device has been reassigned to a different employee, Update the owner using the Owner drop-down



  • If the device is decommissioned or pending reassignment, remove/scope out the device by disabling the agent. 
    Note: Disabling the agent/Removing a computer is permanent. Once removed, to have the computer reappear, the new user will need to reinstall the Vanta Agent.
  • Both of these actions can also be completed from the user profile on the People Page

Common Reasons For Failure

  • The currently assigned owner has been offboarded, is marked as not a person, or has been scoped out from the connected HRIS/IdP
  • The 'VantaOwner' Bulk Tag is not set to the email address of an active user in Vanta
  • The currently assigned owner is marked as 'On Leave' 
  • The currently assigned owner has a future start date

What Vanta is checking

  • Verifies that all items on the Vanta inventory page have been assigned valid owners.