Other Integrations & Connections

Vanta and Gorgias

  • Updated

Gorgias allows customers to connect tools like Vanta using an API Token. By connecting your Gorgias account with Vanta, Vanta can make API calls as the app, allowing you to connect to find people and use onboarding/offboarding dates from your HR system.



  • Vanta leverages Merge, a third-party platform, to pull in your data from Gorgias. See their documentation for details on the API interactions used.


  • Navigate to the Integrations Page in Vanta and locate the Gorgias connector
  • Click on Connect


  • A pop-up will display letting you know that we use Merge.dev a third-party platform to pull in your data from Gorgias

  • A popup module displays, allowing you to review the requested permissions. After reviewing the affected read data, click on continue

  • After hitting next, you will then be prompted to input your Gorgias subdomain for connection.

  • After submitting your subdomain, you will then be asked for your Georgia username and API Key


You should then see a We're setting up your integration... screen while it validates the subdomain and credentials

  • Upon success, you should then see a Connected to Gorgias screen

  • Once you hit continue, you will be presented with a Gorgias Connected! screen, from here, you can configure additional scope on the users that are imported if required