The knowledge base is where you can manage all the source information that powers Questionnaire Automation and resources shared on your Trust Center. When resources are added to the Knowledge Base, you can manage the visibility and access level of resources on your Trust Center that you would like to share with Trust Center viewers; when resources are added to Questionnaire Automation, Vanta extracts and indexes the content. This enabled Vanta AI to find relevant context to help generate answers quickly.
Adding Resources
- From the Trust Center page, select Knowledge Base
- Click Add resources
- Click Upload resource
- Drag or select the file and fill in the resource name, description, category, and visibility on Trust Center
- Note: You can upload multiple files
- Click Upload
- After uploading:
- The resource will be scanned and available in Questionnaire Automation in minutes
- Resources marked as “Public” or “Requestable” will show on the Trust Center
Adding Resources from Vanta compliance
- Click Add resources
- Click Import resources from Vanta
- Select the documents you’d like to add to the Knowledge Base
- Only approved policies, compliance documents, and penetration tests can be synced
- Optionally set the category, visibility on Trust Center, and use for Questionnaires
- Click Add
- After uploading:
- The resource will be scanned and available in Questionnaire Automation in minutes
- Resources marked as “Public” or “Requestable” will show on the Trust Center
Editing resources
- Click the action menu marked as “...” on the resource you want to edit
- From here, you can edit the following for a resource:
- Resource Name
- Resource description
- Category
- Visibility on Trust Center
- Use for questionnaires
- Click Save
- The resource will be updated with your changes
Resource visibility on your Trust Center
From the Knowledge Base, you can update the visibility of resources on your Trust Center. The following options are available:
Visibility option | Shown on Trust Center? | Can it be shared? |
Private | No | No |
Shareable | No | Yes |
Requestable | Yes | Yes, but it requires an access request |
Public | Yes | Yes, it does not require an access request |
Deleting resources
Delete a single resource
- Click the … menu on the resource
- Confirm that you want to delete the resource
- If the resource is being used for Questionnaires, deleting it will remove the resource from being used in answering security questionnaires.
- If the resource is shown on the Trust Center, deleting it will remove the resource from the Trust Center.
- Click Delete
Bulk delete resources
- Select the resources you would like to remove from the Knowledge base
- If this resource is also on your Trust Center
- Confirm that you want to delete the resources
- If a resource is being used for questionnaires, deleting it will remove the resource from being used to answer security questionnaires.
- If a resource is shown on the Trust Center, deleting it will remove the resource from the Trust Center.
- Click Delete
Answer Library
When answering a question, Vanta looks up related questions from your library and will use the exact answer if the question matches or will use the answer as context to generate a new answer.
Importing past questionnaires
- From the Trust Center page, go to Knowledge Base and then Answer library
- Click Import questionnaire
- Select the questionnaire file you would like to import
- Match the proper question and answer columns
- Click Confirm
- Once the import is complete, new and updated answers must be reviewed and approved before they can be used in future questionnaires.
Reviewing and Approving Changes
When importing or marking a questionnaire as complete, any new or changed answers must be approved before the answers are applied to the answer library.
- If there are answers to review, a banner will appear on the answer library: "Review answers pending import."
- Click Review answers
- If the question to be imported is a duplicate of an existing question, it will be indicated in the “Duplicate questions found" column
- Accept or deny the changes. Any accepted changes will be applied to your answer library for use in future questionnaires.
Editing answers
- Go to Knowledge Base and then Answer library
- Click the … menu on the answer you would like to edit
- Click Edit
- Make the necessary changes
- Click Save
Removing answers
- Go to Knowledge Base and then Answer library
- Select the items you would like to remove
- Click Delete
- Confirm deletion