Integrating Vanta & JumpCloud MDM

The Vanta integration with JumpCloud automatically collects device information from JumpCloud to enable seamless evidence collection for JumpCloud MDM users. 

How to connect

  • In Jumpcloud validate you have system insights enabled.
  • Navigate to Settings
  • Select Features
  • Toggle System Insights to On.
    • If you do not see this option, see this article for instructions to enable system insights for your account. 

  • Locate your API key. You can find your API key from the JumpCloud Admin Console by going to the username drop-down and then API Settings.
    • Jumpcloud API keys inherit your account's roles and permissions. Any roles except Command Runner and Command Runner with Billing will enable the integration. (More about JumpCloud roles)




  • Add the API key into Vanta. 


    • If you have the system-insights feature enabled, you may still need to enable the feature individually for each JumpCloud device. If you don’t do this, you’ll see the following error on the inventory page: 



