Integrating Vanta & Datadog

The Vanta integration with Datadog automatically collects user access information and cloud infrastructure monitoring evidence. If you are using Datadog instead of or along with your cloud provider to monitor your cloud infrastructure, we will automatically collect all the evidence required for different compliance and security frameworks; no manual uploads are required!
With the Datadog integration:
  • Admins can see who has access to Datadog on the Access page in Vanta and satisfy controls around access management. Also, Vanta will remind you to remove access when an employee leaves your company.
  • Auditors can verify evidence for infrastructure monitors that you may have created in Datadog to satisfy controls around infrastructure monitoring. 

Connecting Vanta & Datadog

  • From the left-hand navigation panel, select Integrations
  • Select the Available tab, and search for Datadog 
  • Select Connect
  • The connection page will appear prompting to enter the Application Key, API Key, and select a Region

Obtaining your DataDog Application Key and API Key

  • In Datadog, Navigate to Organization Settings
  • For the Application key, create an application key on the Application Keys Page (EU link here) in Datadog and input the key value in Vanta. The minimum scope of they key must include
    • monitors_read
    • user_access_read

  • For the API key, create an API key from the API Keys Page (EU link here) in Datadog and input the key value in Vanta:


  • For Region, choose between AP1, EU, US, US3, US5, or US1-FED. See these instructions to determine your region.
  • Click Done

Connecting more than one Datadog account in Vanta

  • From the Integrations page, find Datadog in your connect Integrations 
  • Select Manage, and click edit

  • Follow the steps above to generate an API key, and complete the information required in the Save API Key modal
