How to set up SSO for Microsoft Office 365

  • Updated


The Vanta O365 enterprise application for Microsoft Office 365 allows you to enable SSO features for users managed in your Office 365 environment, creating frictionless login experience.


This guide assumes you are using Office 365 as your Primary IDP, and the integration has been connected in your Vanta instance.





  • Login to Azure and navigate to the Enterprise Applications page


  • Search for Vanta O365, If you have multiple choose the one that is the most recent and click on it:

    search application Vanta O365.png

  • You will be taken to the Overview page, there click Users and Groups: 

    overview users and groups.png

  • Click "+Add user/group"

    add user and group.png

  • Then click Users and Groups, and then select the users you want to assign the Vanta app to. 
    If you want the application to be applied to all users, then it's recommended to select the 'All Users' group as seen in the screenshot below, as this will also include future uses added to the group. 

    add assignment.png

  • Now click 'Select', then 'Assign to finish assigning the app

    Screenshot 2023-10-06 at 3.27.00 pm.png


Users will now be able to login by selecting 'Continue with Microsoft' on the Login page

sso login page.png


Common Issues

  • When attempting to login I'm redirected to a page saying "Account Not Found"

Screenshot 2023-10-06 at 3.42.53 pm.png



  • The most common cause for this error is the "Vanta O365" has not been assigned to that user's profile in Azure, or they are not assigned to the group that automatically provisions the app.

    Check that the user:
    • is assigned to the group where the Vanta O365 app was applied
    • has the app assigned to their Azure AD user profile
    • has Office365 as the primary source of their employment information (see here on how to check this)
    • Is using the email address registered to their Vanta profile

If issues persist, please reach out to with details on what troubleshooting you have already attempted, and we will be happy to help!