Other Integrations & Connections

Connecting Vanta & Vercel

  • Updated

Vercel allows customers to connect tools like Vanta using API tokens. By connecting your Vercel account with Vanta, Vanta is able to make API calls with the token, allowing you to display users in Vercel within Vanta under the Access page

Integrating with Vercel

  • From the left-hand navigation panel, select Integrations
  • Select the Available tab, and search for Vercel 
  • Select Connect
  • A pop-up modal will appear; with instructions on creating an API token with Vercel.

  • The pop-up modal will ask for an API Token. Keep this modal open.
  • In a new tab, login to your Vercel account

Obtaining your Vercel API Key

  • From the top right-hand corner, click on your profile picture.
  • Select Settings

  • From the top menu bar, select Settings
  • From the left sidebar, select Tokens

  • Configure your token namescope, and expiration:
    Set a representative name for the token's use. For example, it could be "Vanta's token" if it's going to be an exclusive token for Vanta.

  • Copy the token key after you click on the create button.
  • This will not show again once you close it.

  • Click Done, and copy over the Token information to Vanta.
    • If you selected Full Account you can leave "Scope" blank.
    • If you selected never expire, you can leave "Expiration" blank.

  • Select Done in the bottom right-hand corner.
  • If the token information was valid it will be added to Vanta, and then the Access information will be populated.