Vanta Reports

  • Updated
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Vanta offers advanced reporting features, including comprehensive dashboards, detailed reports, and insightful metrics. Vanta Users can gain the necessary information to effectively manage security and compliance while also influencing key stakeholders.

Getting Started

  • From the left-hand navigation panel, select Reports
    • You must be on the Collaborate, or Scale package to access multiple reports. Otherwise, you will only have access to the Program overview report.
  • This will take you to your company’s Reports page, which lists all the reports in your account. If your company only has one report, you will be taken directly to the report.
  • Click on the report you would like to view

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Editing a Report

  • Select Edit
  • Select Hide/Display charts
    •  Click the slider icon on the top right corner of the page to hide or display specific charts.
  • Edit time frame
    • Click the time frame filter under the report title. Select one of the preset options or choose Custom for a custom time range.
  • Framework filter
    • Available only on the Compliance Report. Select the frameworks you want to filter by, and the charts will show data related to the selected frameworks.
  • Chart details
    • Hover over bar or line charts to view more information in a tooltip.
  • Legend links
    • Some charts let you link to other pages by clicking on the legend item if you have the correct permissions.
  • Chart Links
    • Each chart has a link on the top right corner to bring you to the relevant page within Vanta.
  • Select Save & apply changes 

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Sharing a Report

  • Click on the report you would like to share. 
  • Select Share
  • Permissions: Not all users can view a report depending on their permissions. Sharing a report with a user will give them view access.
  • Search for the person you want to add from the modal in the Add People field. After you add everyone you want to share the report with, click Send
    • The People section of the modal will show all users with whom the report has been shared.

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