Using IdP Integrations for Access and Vendor Monitoring

Data from Identity Providers (IdPs) can be leveraged for several key Vanta workflows:

  • People page: Vanta creates people for your company to monitor ongoing and offboarding tasks for users
  • Access page: Vanta pulls in accounts from your IdP to monitor who has access to these accounts and what their privileges are
  • Vendors page: Vanta pulls in associated vendors for VRM Vendor discovery

For each IdP integration, you can toggle whether to use the IdP to create people on the People Page. When connecting multiple IdPs to Vanta, we recommend only leveraging one IdP for creating people unless your company’s personnel are split across multiple IdPs.

When connecting a new IdP integration:

  • Navigate to the Integrations Page
  • Connect the integration
  • Select the appropriate toggle and continue the connection flow

Please note: This option only appears once you have connected an IdP integration for people provisioning first.

For existing IdP integrations:

  • Navigate to the integration on the Integrations Page
  • Click on Manage, followed by Configure scopes
  • Select the appropriate toggle and confirm your changes

Please note: If toggling off IDP provisioning, admins created from this integration will continue to exist
