When importing or completing an Excel questionnaire, it’s important to map the correct question and answer columns to ensure Vanta can accurately extract data from the questionnaire. Vanta provides a variety of column types to support a wide range of questionnaire formats.
Available column options
Skip this column - This column is not a question or answer column.
- When to use: Use this option when the column is not used for the question or answer.
Question - Column where the question is provided.
- When to use: Every questionnaire should have a maximum of 1 question column per sheet. Select this option in the column where the question is located.
Answer (Yes, No, N/A) - Column where yes, no, or N/A answers are provided.
- When to use: Most commonly used when the questionnaire has a column for a boolean answer (yes, no, N/A) and a separate column for further notes or explanation.
Answer and explanation - Column where the full answer (yes, no, N/A, and explanation) is provided within one cell.
- When to use: Most commonly used when the questionnaire has a single answer column.
Explanation - Column where answer notes or explanations are provided.
- When to use: Most commonly used when a questionnaire has separate columns for yes, no, N/A answers and a column for further notes or explanation.
Yes answers only - Column where only “Yes” answers are provided.
- When to use: Most commonly used when a questionnaire has separate columns for yes, no, N/A answers and a column for further notes or explanation.
No answers only - Column where only “No” answers are provided.
- When to use: Most commonly used when a questionnaire has separate columns for yes, no, N/A answers and a column for further notes or explanation.
N/A answers only - Column where only “N/A” answers are provided.
- When to use: Most commonly used when a questionnaire has separate columns for yes, no, N/A answers and a column for further notes or explanation.
Common mapping scenarios
2 columns: One question and one answer column
- Which columns types to map: Question, Answer, and explanation
- Example:
3 columns: One question column, one column for yes, no, N/A answers, and one column for notes/explanation
- Which columns types to map: Question, Answer (Yes, No, N/A), Explanation
- Example:
5 columns: One question column, one column for yes answers, one column for no answers, one column for N/A answers, and one column for notes/explanation
- Which columns types to map: Question, Yes answers only, No answers only, N/A answers only, Explanation
- Example:
Mapping columns for files with multiple sheets
For questionnaires with multiple sheets, complete the column selection for each sheet as described above. If a sheet has no questions to answer, skip all columns in that sheet.
Additional Information