Which resources does Vanta fetch from AWS?

  • Updated

The following items are the resource types that Vanta supports fetching in from Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Supported Resources

  •  AWS Autoscaling Group
  • AWS CloudTrail
  • AWS CloudWatch Log Group
  • AWS CloudWatch Metric Alarm
  • AWS CodeCommit Repo
  • AWS Credential Report
  • AWS DocumentDB Cluster
  • AWS DynamoDB Table
  • AWS EC2 Instance
  • AWS ECR Container Repository
  • AWS ECR Container Vulnerability
  • AWS ECS Cluster
  • AWS ECS Service
  • AWS ECS Standalone Task
  • AWS EKS Cluster
  • AWS EKS Node
  • AWS Flow Log
  • AWS Group
  • AWS Guard Duty Detector
  • AWS IAM Identity Center User
  • AWS IAM User
  • AWS Inspector Vulnerability
  • AWS Lambda Function
  • AWS Load Balancer
  • AWS Network ACL
  • AWS Organization Account
  • AWS Password Policy
  • AWS RDS Instance
  • AWS Redshift Cluster
  • AWS Role
  • AWS Route Table
  • AWS S3 Bucket
  • AWS Security Group
  • AWS SQS Queue
  • AWS Subnet

Resources not listed above are not supported at the moment.

How do I track the resources Vanta does not support fetching?

Administrators have the option to add these unsupported resources custom inventory items. You can see Bulk Upload Custom Inventory Items and Tracking Inventory in Vanta for details on this. Once the items are admins can add a description and specify if the resource contains user data or not.

Administrators will also need to work with their auditor to collect manual evidence for these resources and store this evidence as a Custom Document in Vanta.