The People Page
On the people page, you will see a table of users requiring action, either on the part of the Vanta admin or the listed user. This table will surface users who:
- have outstanding security task
- have left the company and need to be off-boarded using Vanta's off-boarding checklist
- have completed all of their security tasks
Employees will take one of 7 statuses
No Tasks: for accounts marked as "not a person." or those with no checklist tasks assigned
Paused: for accounts marked as on leave (see Marking an Employee on Leave)
- Security tasks due soon: the employee has a security task outstanding.
- Security tasks overdue the employee has an overdue task.
- Security tasks complete: employee is in a good state, nothing to do.
- Off-boarding due soon: employee needs to be off-boarded.
- Off-boarding overdue: the employee has not been off-boarded according to the SLA.
- Off-boarding complete: off-boarding has been completed.
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User Details
This shows the state of a user onboard/off-boarding and allows you to mark them as a non-user. Possible reasons for marking as a non-user may be: an alias email such as or
For current users, the detail view displays:
- Role (non-editable)
Start date (editable, unless you have linked your HR system)
End date (non-editable)
Group (editable)
State of security requirements (if required for user)
- Managed computer
- Policies accepted
- Security training
- Background checks
- Custom tasks (if any have been created)
- Both admin and employee tasks can be marked as completed.
- Email alerts can be sent to employees needing to complete security requirements.
- For removed users, the detail view displays the off-boarding checklist.
Adding a Person
If you have users that are not part of your identity provider, you can manually add them to your Vanta instance.
- Click Add person
- Set the name and email, and select their start date.
- Click Add to complete the process.