Getting Started with the Vanta Agent

If your organization is not currently working with an MDM (mobile device manager), the Vanta Agent is an excellent option for performing security checks on your employee's assets. It can be installed on all company computers to monitor compliance continually. This software uses OSQuery to detect specific settings and applications installed on devices. The Vanta Agent is a lightweight program designed to run in the background of your computer. It has a very low performance impact: once you install the app and register your device, you shouldn’t notice it. The Vanta Agent is read-only, which means it will not change anything on your machines. It has limited functionality for reading data (Vanta deploys a modified version of osquery that excludes tables that we find dangerous). The agent does not read sensitive information like passwords, emails, or browsing history. 

Installing the Agent

  • Employees should download the Vanta Agent as part of their security tasks.  Once they log into, they will be instructed to download the Vanta Agent for their operating system.
  • Vanta will automatically detect which software you have installed and give you the correct version of the agen.t
  • Employees' registration code is unique to their Vanta profile and should not be shared.
  • If you use an MDM not yet supported by Vanta? Visit to view the scripts necessary to install the agent via MDM.

Supported Versions
