Connecting Vanta & Entra (Office 365)

Entra (Office 365) connects to Vanta using OAuth, allowing Vanta to import employees into Vanta seamlessly. 

Please note that Vanta does not currently support GCC-High


Connecting Vanta & Entra (Office 365)

  • From the left-hand navigation panel, select Integrations
  • Select the Available tab, and search for Entra (Office 365) 
  • Select Connect
  • A pop-up modal will appear with additional details verifying your permissions if required.
  • When you are ready to connect, select Connect Office 365

Screenshot 2024-06-14 at 3.50.15 PM.png

  • You will be redirected to the Microsoft login page. Log in to the account with 'Global Administrator' permissions. Vanta will request read-only permissions to access the specified resources for your organization.
  • Select Accept

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  • Once Accepted, You'll be redirected back to Vanta.
  • You will be presented with the option to choose whether to have Office populate the people page when users are added

Screenshot 2024-06-14 at 3.50.03 PM.png 

    • If you have connected multiple identity providers, you will be prompted to Indicate which identity provider takes precedence for users in the connected IdPs.

Configure the Scope

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  • You can configure scopes later by clicking Configure scope on the connected Entra (Office 365) card from the integrations page. 

