Other Integrations & Connections

Resolve 'MFA on Office 365' test

This article provides more information on how to resolve the MFA on Office 365 test

What is Vanta looking for? 

How can I test this?

  • You can see information from the credentialUserRegistrationDetails endpoint in the Azure UI here. Vanta will require that the users have a registered method listed:


  • If the "IsMfaRegistered" field returns false, Vanta will show that the user does not have MFA enabled for their account. Ensure that the user has MFA turned on and that it is registered for their account.
  • The same can be done for the reports/authenticationMethods/userRegistrationDetails endpoint if legacy MFA is being used. You'll choose "beta" and enter the following - https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/reports/authenticationMethods/userRegistrationDetails


