The Controls Page within Vanta shows all of your account's controls. You can then filter, edit, and assign them.
Accessing the Controls Page
- From the left-hand navigation panel, select Controls
- This will take you to your company's custom controls page, which lists all of the customer controls created within your account
Searching & Filtering Controls
- To search for a specific control, use the search bar at the top left-hand corner of the page. The results will appear in the list below.
Editing Controls
- Click on the Control you would like to edit
- Edit the summary and description to your needs, and select Save Changes.
- From here, you can also map tests, documents, frameworks, and risk scenarios related to the control.
Modifying your controls may have consequences for your audit. Please inform your auditor and Success Manager of any changes.
Custom Fields
- You can add additional fields to your controls from the Compliance Settings page.
- Common examples of a custom field include:
- Revision number
- Date last updated
- Applicability
- Process/Procedure
- Frequency
- Various Statuses
- From here, select + Add in the top right-hand corner
- Add a label and description, and choose the field type. Once the data type is selected it can not be changed
- Selecting the Share with auditor option will dictate whether auditors who have access to a control will be able to see this field.
- Select Add
- New fields will automatically be added as a column on the Controls page
- Clicking on a control will allow you to edit the information in all available fields.
- You can choose to add new controls or update existing ones from the import controls page. Both import options allow users to populate their new custom fields.
Removing Controls
- On the right-hand side of the control, click the three dots
- Click Delete
- A pop-up modal about the control and its mapped frameworks will appear.
- Update the Effective date for when control deprecation went into effect
- Click the Delete button
This will remove the control from the control page. Please note that Removing a Custom-Created control will be permanently deleted.
Adding Removed Controls
- Click on the More button on the top right corner of the Controls page
- Select View Vanta controls library
- This will bring you to the Vanta Control Library
- Find the control in the list
- Click Add Control
- A dialogue box will pop up
- Update the Effective Date when the control went into effect
- Click the Add button