Other Integrations & Connections

Remediation Task Tracking for Access Reviews

Leverage your task-tracking platform with Vanta to stay on top of Access reviews that require additional action items and attention. Vanta currently integrates with Jira, Linear, Shortcut, and Asana. 


Create a Single Task Tracking Ticket

  • Open an active access review and select a system.

Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 4.18.03 PM.png


  • Open the account drawer and select the task tracker

Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 4.21.03 PM.png



  • Add a note or create a task, select Save

Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 4.22.10 PM.png

  • From here, the ticket will be created, and the status will be displayed in the information pop-up for the user.

Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 4.23.20 PM.png



  • Process owners can view flagged accounts with progress ticket
  • The system admin should then process the ticket in the task-tracking platform outside of Vanta



  • The Process owner can view the flagged account with the completed ticket from the task tracker platform. 



Managing Multiple Task Tracking Tickets

  • Select the accounts to create a ticket form using the check box column on the left-hand side. 
  • Select the Create dropdown
  • Choose Create and select the task tracker you would like to leverage


Screenshot 2024-06-10 at 4.25.32 PM.png


  • Complete the information from the pop-up modal and select Create




  • One ticket is created for each account.
  • Please note that this is a bulk ticket creation, not a bulk ticket with multiple accounts.
  • The system admin should process each ticket from the task tracker platform outside of Vanta.




  • The process owner can view flagged accounts with completed tickets



