Integrate your DocuSign NDA with your Vanta Trust Center

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Create DocuSign template 

  • Log in to your DocuSign account at 
  • Create a new template with the role the signer.  Ensure you leave the name and email fields blank, as Vanta will populate these when sending the DocuSign NDA
    • Troubleshooting tip: Make sure the role is set to exactly signer (case-sensitive) and the name and email are blank
    • To integrate with an existing template, add signer as a new role

Integrate with Docusign

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Configure the Trust Center 

  • Select Trust Center from the left-hand navigation panel 
  • Select Settings 
  • Scroll to Require non-disclosure agreement (NDA)
  • Select Edit

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  • Select Docusign from the NDA provider dropdown menu
  • Select the DocuSign account and DocuSign template 
  • Select Save

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  • If no accounts or templates are visible, please try reconnecting your DocuSign account. If the issue persists, contact support for assistance
