Customizing Automated Tests

Vanta’s tests are a great way to collect evidence for your compliance needs. Within Vanta’s tests, you can adjust various values to match the needs of your security and compliance program. Below you will find the current list of tests that can be customized within Vanta.

  • AWS Server Logs - Can change the number of days logs have to be retained (can be unlimited)
  • GCP Server Logs - Can change number of days logs have to be retained (cannot be unlimited)
  • Heroku Logs Drained - Can change number of days logs have to be retained (cannot be unlimited)
  • Infra Access Keys Rotated - Can change how often keys have to be rotated
  • AES Ec2 Instances Ports Restricted - Change the list of ports that can be considered public
  • GCP Compute Instance Ports Restricted - Change the list of ports that can be considered public
  • AWS ECS Tasks Ports Restricted - Change the list of ports that can be considered public
  • Digital Ocean Firewalls Ports Restricted - Change the list of ports that can be considered public
  • Infra Unique Accounts Unused - 90 days should be able to be tweaked
  • Infra Unique Accounts Root - 30 days password last used should be tweaked
  • Version Control Tool Records - Configure how long (in days) before a repo is considered not updated
  • GitHub Organization Invitations - Configure how long (in days) before an invitation is marked as stale
  • Bitbucket Organization Invitations - Configure how long (in days) before an invitation is marked as stale
  • Supabase Logs Retained - Can change number of days logs have to be retained 
  • HIPAA Risks Reviewed Annually - Configure how often you have to review HIPAA Risks
  • Risks Reviewed Annually - Configure how often you have to review risks


Customize the Test 

  • From the Test page, select the test you would like to customize
    • Please note only the tests listed above are currently available for customization 
  • Select More
  • Any customizable items will be available from this dropdown menu
  • Complete the information in the pop-up
    • Please note that the existing test will be modified, and this could affect your security posture

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