Vanta AI Risk Training

  • Updated

Vanta offers AI Risk Training developed by our in-house security, privacy, and compliance experts to help ensure your employees learn about important AI principles and risks while nurturing a positive and strong culture of security and confidentiality.

Vanta’s AI Risk Training is housed directly within the Vanta platform—which means your employees can view and complete the videos without leaving the Vanta onboarding page. To assign the training to relevant employees (such as your developers), you can create a group or leverage an existing one for the relevant employees and assign the training to that group. As with all modules within Vanta's security and privacy training library, you can access the videos relevant to the frameworks you currently use with Vanta.

Employees will see the training video on their onboarding page and need to watch it. Once they have watched and submitted it, the task will be marked as complete.

Please note: The security and privacy training videos you can access are contingent
on the Frameworks enabled in your Vanta instance. This means you have access
only to the training videos that are relevant to the frameworks you currently
use with Vanta 

AI risk topics covered

  • AI overview
  • Emerging laws and regulations
  • Key definitions
  • Machine learning
  • Neural networks
  • Deep learning
  • Workplace applications
  • AI risk and context
    • Context and data
    • Potential for harmful impacts
    • Unintended harms
    • Intentional abuses
    • Examples of risks
    • Data poisoning
    • Tampering or exploitation
  • Principles to follow
  • Industry frameworks and resources
    • ISO 42001
    • OWASP AI Privacy and Security Guide