Notion Task Tracker Configuration Modal

Please note:
This feature is still in Beta only. If you are interested, please reach out to our support team.


First of all, it’s important to understand what are the necessary properties that a Notion Page must have to consider it eligible for Task Tracking so Vanta can perform compliance tests appropriately on them:

  1. Tags: we read task tags to figure out if a task tracker item refers to a security task or not. For Notion tasks, we expect this to be a Multi Select page property.
  2. Owner: we know if a task is assigned or not by checking if it has an owner. This field should be a People page property.
  3. Priority: we can tell how urgent a task is through this property. We expect it to be either a Select or a Status page property.
  4. Status: we can tell if a task was closed or not through this property. We expect it to be either a Select or a Status page property.

For example, it’s possible to configure the following Pages in your Notion Dashboard:

Task Tracker 1 page is valid for Task Tracking because it has at least one of all the properties that were listed above, whereas Task Tracker 2 page isn’t a valid page because it’s missing a Multi Select property.

Accessing the Task Tracker Configuration Modal

Once you do, the modal will be displayed right after connecting the Notion integration for the first time or editing the current connection.

It can be opened at any time through the integration tile as well under the /integrations page as well.

Clicking on the Edit Task Tracker Database Mappings button should open the following following modal:

(We acknowledge that this is not the most intuitive experience at the moment, so we are working on implementing a better one as we speak)

Task Tracking Configuration Modal Form

Selected Notion Pages display

The modal will list all of the selected pages during connection and determine if these are eligible to be a valid Page or not.

By clicking the checkbox to the left of the page name, Vanta will scope in that page to fetch task tracker items from it.

The page will be disabled for selection in case it doesn’t have all of the eligible properties listed above.

It’s also worth noting that clicking on the hyperlink icon will open a new tab in your browser to the selected page.

Edit Notion Page Mappings

By clicking the pen icon to the right of the page name, Vanta will display a set of dropdowns that will map the selected page properties to our internal task tracker item schema.

You’ll need to click that pen icon on the database you want to edit in order to edit its property mappings (Again: not the most intuitive design, but it will be improved later).

Tags Field Mapping Dropdown

This will display the available Multi Select properties for the selected page:

You should select the field where you store the tags for your task tracking items.

Owner Field Mapping Dropdown

This will display the available People properties for the selected page:

You should select the field where you store the owner/s of a given tracking item.

Priority Field Mapping Dropdown

This will display the available Select or a Status properties for the selected page:

You should select the field where you store the priority for your tracking items.

After that, you also have to configure the priority values for each priority level that Vanta manages:

Note that the values will change based on the property selected and the options available for it.

Task Closed Field Mapping Dropdown

This will also display the available Select or a Status properties for the selected page:

You should select the field where you store the status for your tracking items.

After that, you also have to configure the status to consider your task tracking items as closed/solved:

Submitting Notion Page Mappings

Once you’re done configuring each of your Notion pages properties for the selected pages, you’ll be able to submit your configuration mappings by clicking on the Update Mappings button:

Next time Vanta polls your task tracking items from Notion, Vanta will read your configuration to process your task tracking items appropriately regardless of how you configure your Task Tracking pages.

Keep in mind that if you change or delete any of the selected page properties in Notion structurally (for example, changing a Status field for a Select field), it might break the integration fetches as well, so be sure to keep everything in sync.

Enable Databases Mappings Toggle

At the top of the modal you’ll see is the following toggle:

Currently, we make an educated guess to determine which Notion pages are valid for Task Tracking.

By toggling this on, Vanta will read your Task Tracking Configuration set through this modal the next time we fetch your Notion Task Tracking items.

If by some reason, the new Task Tracking Configuration doesn’t work properly, turning this switch off should revert to the previous implementation.
