Access File Uploader

For systems Vanta cannot retrieve access data, the access file uploader template will help consolidate your data and streamline your access review. This process allows Vanta to be the single source of truth for you, your reviewers, and your auditor.

Using the File Uploader Template

  • Download the Vanta Access File template
  • Make a copy of the template, and title the file "Access File - [Your Company Name] - [System/Platform Name].csv
    • The table below will detail the required fields and required corresponding information.
  • Access to the system that does not integrate with Vanta
    • Retrieve the account access list & data. This may be an access export file, a screenshot, or a simple copy and paste. Populate the newly saved file with the required information.
      • Capitalization differences are allowed. 
      • Extra spaces are not allowed.



Accepted Values


Account name


Character string

Use this field to capture the name of the account to be reviewed

Account owner


  • Valid email in Vanta 
  • "Not a person" 
  • "No owner"  
  • "External user"

Indicate who this account belongs to at your company by entering their email address. If the owner is someone outside of your company, enter “External user”. If there is no owner, leave it blank or enter “No owner” or “Not a person”.



Character string

Use this field to indicate the role(s) of the associated account. If there are multiple roles for an account, separate them using a comma (e.g. "role 1, role 2, role 3"). Note that role(s) cannot be edited or added after starting your access review



  • "Active"  
  • "Deactivated"

Use this to tell if the account is active






