Register the Vanta Agent to a Person

There are a few common reasons why a user may need to register their device manually;

  • If an install fails prematurely before they can sign in and register their agent, leaving their device without an owner. 
  • If an email field is not passed during an MDM install.
  • If the Vanta Agent is already installed on the device but registered to a different email address

In such cases, the administrator or end user can manually register the agent using one of the steps listed below. 


  • Administrator access to the computer
  • Administrator access to Vanta

Method 1: Register Command

The First method involves the end user registering their device using the terminal or command prompt. This method requires them to have sudo/administrator privileges on the device. 

Mac OS Specific Instructions

  1. Have the user open Terminal (most straightforward way to find it is cmd+space bar "terminal"):


  2. Next, have the user copy and paste the code below into the Terminal:
    sudo /usr/local/vanta/vanta-cli register

  3. Hit 'Return'. It may prompt you to input a password. This is the password used for logging into the computer or installing applications. You will not see active typing, but the text is being captured. Continue to enter the password normally and press return


  4. A browser window should open, prompting the user to sign in with their Vanta-associated email; after successful sign-in, the device should be registered to that email. 

Screenshot 2024-07-08 at 2.16.17 PM.png

Windows 10/11 Specific Instructions: 

  1. Have the user open the command prompt as an administrator. They can do this by pressing start, searching for the command prompt, then right-clicking, and clicking Run as administrator:

    Windows 11


    Windows 10

  2. Next, have the user copy and paste the code below into the command prompt and press enter:

    C:\PROGRA~1\Vanta\vanta-cli register

    This will cause additional text to print on the command line; this is expected 


  3. A new browser window should open after a few seconds, prompting the user to sign in to complete registering the agent:

Screenshot 2024-07-08 at 2.16.17 PM.png

Method 2: Manually assigning owners on the Inventory page 

The second method involves a Vanta admin navigating to the Inventory Page to manually assign a device owner. The device must have been previously registered to your organization with the Vanta Agent to use this method. 

  1. From the inventory page, select the Computers (Vanta agent) section
  2. Navigate to the device you wish to reassign
  3. Hover over the current owner's name, then click the pencil icon to activate the dropdown options.
  4. The dropdown will include the names of all active users. Scroll or use the search box to select the correct owner of the device.




