Deploy the Agent While Using an MDM Vanta Does not Integrate with

  • Updated

If you use a mobile device management (MDM) tool that we do not integrate with, you can still deploy the Vanta agent using the script we provide on the unmonitored section of the computers page. It is important to note that these scripts have a VANTA_OWNER_EMAIL field, and we expect that it be set to a unique email string value for every install in order to register the agent to the correct user. The field can not be set to one static email, as all of the agents will register with the person who owns the email.  That being said, if your MDM supports passing variables/arguments to a script, you can leverage this functionality and pass the different employee emails as arguments from a text file or an array. We recommend reaching out to your MDM providers for support on how to achieve this best.


  • Administrator Access to Vanta
  • Administrator Access to your MDM Tool of choice 

Script from Unmonitored Section 

  • Log into Vanta as an administrator
  • Head to the Unmonitored section of the Computers page

Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 4.01.01 PM.png

  • Select View Setup Instructions
  • On the Setup page that opens up, click on the last tab, Option 3: MDM and Vanta Agent

Screenshot 2024-06-12 at 4.04.16 PM.png

  • You should then be presented with three different scripts, one for Mac OS, one for Linux, and one for Windows; select your script based on the OS of your devices used on your MDM.