Vanta & Vouch Cyber Insurance
Vanta now offers Vouch cyber insurance within our platform. From Vanta, you can apply for i...
Creating Custom Tests
For more information about plan types and capabilities, see Vanta's pricing page With Cust...
CIS Benchmark Tests for Kubernetes
CIS Benchmarks are a globally recognized best practice for securing IT systems and data. CI...
What branch does Vanta look at for GitHub tests?
Vanta has multiple GitHub tests which check certain settings on branches for repositories t...
What information can my auditor see from test data?
Auditors have their own view of the data that you provide during an audit, but it only show...
Customizing Automated Tests
Vanta’s tests are a great way to collect evidence for your compliance needs. Within Vanta’s...
Application Changes Reviewed Test (GitHub)
This test ensures that pull requests are reviewed prior to getting merged into the branch u...
Test Source Data
Many Vanta tests have an additional feature that shows in more depth how the test received ...
Understanding "Pass by Default" Tests in Vanta
What is a "Pass by Default" Test? A test passes by default when the security configuratio...
Resolve 'Company has a version control system'
This article provide more information on how to resolve test 'Company has a version control...
Resolve 'Storage Accounts health monitored (Azure)' test
This article provides more information on how to resolve the Storage Accounts health monito...
Resolve 'MFA on Google Workspace' test
How to Fix Enforce multifactor authentication on all your organization's Google accounts....
Resolve 'Azure integration has active Activity Log Alerts' test
This article provides an example of a creation of an alert rule which would make the Azure ...
Resolve 'Azure integration has active Log Alerts' test
This article provides more information on resolving the Azure integration has active log Al...
Resolve 'Subscription Activity Logs are being archived to a storage account (Azure)' test
This article provide more information on how to resolve alerts for the Subscription Activit...
Resolve 'Inventory items have active owners' Test
How to Fix Click on the failing resource to be immediately taken to the inventory item (No...
Resolve 'Security impact considered in merge requests (AzureDevops)' test
This article provides more information on how to resolve Security impact considered in merg...
Resolve 'Inventory list tracks resources that contain user data' test
In order to pass the Inventory list tracks resources that contain user data test, you'll ne...
Resolve 'Logs retained for 365 days (GCP)' test
This article provides more information on how to resolve alerts for the Logs retained for 3...
Adding Custom Notes to Tests
Tests require a lot of collaboration, and users working through difficulties must annotate ...
Share Feedback - Tests
Vanta wants to hear from you! If you have any suggestions or feedback for the remediation o...
Test Priorities & SLAs
When reviewing your list of tests, you might notice that some tests have deadlines alongsid...
Getting Started with Tests
Before starting these tasks, be sure to link as many of your connections to Vanta as possib...
Deactivate a Test
There may be instances where you need to turn off monitoring for a specific test. If the ...